Affinity Pasture Master
Elemental analysis (W/V)%
Nitrogen (as UAN)................21%
Potassium (as citrate).........2%
Magnesium (EDTA)..........0.002%
Iron (EDTA)........................0.002%
Zinc (EDTA)..........................0.5%
Manganese (EDTA)..............0.2%
Copper (EDTA)....................0.002%
Cobalt (EDTA)....................0.0002%
Molybdenum (complex)..0.003%
Boron (complex)...............0.001%
Using no less than 10% fulvic acid and Affinity Natural Kelp concentrate in the solution.
Affinity Pasture Master is a broad acre foliar product designed for grass pasture or non legume dicot pastures.
Affinity Pasture Master has been formulated to ensure your pastures obtain the elements that will ensure a lush finish with a strong root structure. Nitrogen is critical for leaf growth and protein and combined with added molybdenum nitrogen efficiency will be maximised. Iron, manganese, zinc and copper will ensure maximum chlorophyll production. Kelp and fulvic acid will ensure strong root growth after after grazing along with improved nutrient metabolism.
Affinity Pasture Master is compatible with most herbicides and fungicides which makes it a perfect addition to your tank mix when "going over" your paddock.